Quit Smoking

You Can Become a Non Smoker
Hypnotherapy: The Most Effective Way Of Stopping Smoking

Why Stop Smoking?

  • Smoking increases your risk of a wide range of life threatening diseases.
  • Smoking can endanger the health of others. For example, even if you smoke outside of your home, the health of your children is endangered.
  • The health benefits of becoming a non-smoker include; longer life expectancy, more energy, better breath, improved immune function, better skin, more enjoyment of your food.
  • Willpower alone is not that effective as a way of quitting smoking: only 3-5% of smokers are still non-smokers a year later.
  • The financial benefits: 20 cigarettes/day at £8 is £2920/year

Imagine what could you do with that spare money rather than give it to the tobacco companies?

Hypnotherapy and Becoming a Non-Smoker
Research has shown that Hypnotherapy has cited as:
‘Three times more effective than nicotine replacement therapy.’
‘The most effective way of stopping smoking.’

In a Hypnotherapy session, people discover:
1. That quitting smoking can be easier than you think! Many people quit after just one session!
2. Strategies that help you break the smoking habit and become a non-smoker for good!
3. Strategies to help you deal with the challenges in your life, without resorting to a cigarette.
4. Crucial information you need to help you beat the nicotine addiction.
5. The mistakes that smokers make that stop them becoming non-smokers.
6. The mistaken beliefs that people have that stop them becoming a non-smoker.

Ready To Become a Non Smoker, But Want Some Help?
Contact me here to book your appointment, and take the first step to becoming and staying a non-smoker!

According to the NHS, research shows that when you 
talk to a healthcare professional to get the right treatment and support, you’re up to four times more likely to succeed than if you try to do it alone.

Still not sure you can become a Non-Smoker?
Contact Simon for a FREE consultation here

1Chockalingam Viswesvaran and Frank L Schmidt of the Department of Management and Organizations at the University of Iowa, was published in the Journal of Applied Psychology in 1992.

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