We have approx 60,000 thoughts a day. How many are useful?

In order to build self-esteem, it is crucial to pay attention to the way you talk to yourself. We talk to ourselves constantly. It has been estimated that:

We have around 50-60,000 thoughts a day
A lot of these thoughts are the same thoughts as we had
Many of these thoughts are negative.

Consider how many of your thoughts are: positive, constructive and pragmatic; seeing the bigger picture and keeping things in perspective, or are they negative, destructive, judgmental and self-critical?

I have worked with many clients with a whole range of conditions, including health problems, anxiety and panic attacks who have found that they are able to resolve their issues by changing their thinking. I know that this sounds extraordinary, but think about it.

Our thoughts affect our physiology, emotions and our behaviour. Quite literally, if we are having worry thoughts, then chemicals are released that put the body in the fight or flight mode. When this happens the immune system is suppressed, as well as clever thinking, sleep function, and digestion. So if we are constantly having worry thoughts, this can cause problems with our health.

So addressing the way we think, and training our brain to be thinking in ways that support us is vital. The first step to this is to build our self-esteem.

In my free report ‘Six Steps To High Self Esteem’ I discuss 7 strategies for improving your Self Talk. You can download this free report by clicking the Downloads tab.

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